UX Solutions

In the dynamic and competitive world of apps, user experience (UX) is a critical factor that can make or break an app's success.

Our UX services are designed to elevate your app experience by providing expert insights and tailored recommendations.

Usability Evaluation

Our designers conduct comprehensive usability evaluations, assessing navigation, controls, and overall interface design. We provide actionable recommendations to enhance the overall usability of your app.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

Our consultation services emphasise creating apps that are accessible to a diverse audience. We address considerations for users with various abilities, ensuring an inclusive app experience.

Wireframing and Prototyping

We translate concepts into tangible visuals using wireframes and prototypes. This allows for early testing and iteration, ensuring the final product aligns seamlessly with user expectations.

Competitor Analysis

By studying competitor apps and industry trends, we provide strategic insights to help your app stand out. This analysis informs design decisions and ensures your app is positioned effectively in the market.

User-Centric Approach

We prioritise understanding your target audience to create an immersive and enjoyable app experience. Through user research and analysis, we identify key preferences and pain points.

User Stories and Studies

We facilitate rapid user testing for your target market, incorporating real-time user opinions into the development process. This iterative approach leads to an app that resonates more effectively with its intended audience.

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Game UX

RATH specialises in games UX, where we delve beyond just the user interface and menu experience.

Our designers are specialised in these areas for games, ready to take your project to the next level.


UI and

Game Feel


We incorporate the following key processes when targeting UX specifically for games, particularly on improving levels, mechanics, and game feel.

Player Study

Central to our process are extensive hands-on testing with users, allowing us to observe player interactions, preferences, and challenges, ensuring our design decisions are grounded in actual player needs. This process is key to improving game feel, as the iterative feedback loop guarantees a refined, player-centric final product that resonates seamlessly with diverse player preferences.

Real-Time Analytics

We deeply incorporate analytics into our workflow to enable us to track and analyse in-game activities, providing a dynamic feedback loop that informs on the user experience. We gain a comprehensive understanding of player behaviour, preferences, and pain points as they interact with the game.

Rapid Level Telemetry Analysis

We make extensive use of telemetry to identify heat spots in your games and levels, allowing us to provide you with near real-time feedback for adjusting levels for a better user experience.

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